Leg crossing with muscle tensing |
Leg crossing with tensing of the leg, abdominal, and buttock muscles while lying down or, if necessary, while standing |
Squatting |
Lowering the body into a squatting position. Adjunctive lower-body and abdomen muscle tensing can be done during the squat and then on standing once symptoms have resolved. |
Upper-body PCMs
Arm tensing |
Gripping opposing hands with fingers and pulling with arms in opposing directions with maximum force. |
Isometric handgrip |
Clenching fist at maximum contraction with or without an item in the hand |
Neck flexion |
Touching the chin to the chest and tightening the neck musculature. |
PCM indicates physical counterpressure maneuver.
Reproduced from Charlton et al.10 Copyright © 2019, American Heart Association, Inc